The completions process, as we have explained before, involves both buyer and Tecnicil having to jump through certain hoops at certain times. What we have explained clearly several times is that if a buyer simply does not complete then we have to begin reducing the compensation. It is VITAL that you communicate with us at Tecnicil. We have seen that it is not always very efficient to limit yourself to writing to the lawyers. They have their hands full and may not communicate with Tecnicil in a timely fashion.
As the resort is now ready and 99% of the units have been released for snagging, all clients who have purchased with us and intend to complete should be in dialogue with us regarding this. Once the compensation levels begin to reduce they can not be put back.
So if you have issues that you feel have to be resolved BEFORE deeds you need to contact us urgently so we can discuss this with you.
I hope the spelling is better now!