Early next week we will update the blog with some information regarding furniture on the Vila Verde Resot. There have been a few let downs when it comes to the delivery of furniture and as a result many apartments are, as some of you, missing some items.
The full list of missing items plus the steps that are being taken to remedy the situation will be included. If you believe you are missing iems please leave a comment here on the blog.
we have furniture missing for our apartment on tassel i am in contact with Svetlans regarding this i received a email today saying we should have everything by end of july - a year since we signed our deeds!!
ReplyDeleteDon't fool yourself that there is only one client with missing furniture, just you carry on burying your head in the sand some of us are not in the position to verify what is missing until we have water and electric and can stay at our apartments, then we can personally do a final inventory check. Trust is obviously a scarce commodity in Cape verde. My last communication with Svetlana stated that only the patio furniture was missing lets hope that this is not still missing or any thing else when i get there. Have been waiting for connection since completion in february.
ReplyDeleteI still have not received my patio furniture two years from paying for it. I think the reason no one is posting is the disbelief at your incompetence, you should be telling us what is missing and how and when you propose to rectify it. The above is insulting!
ReplyDeleteI have paid in full yet not one item of furniture has been installed.
ReplyDeleteWe completed our purchase in March 2010 Copromosa and still have Patio furniture missing I haven't had any response for sometime re my missing items. We are looking forward to everything being in place for our visit to the resort later in the summer this year
ReplyDeleteWe completed in 2009 and cannot be sure what furniture is missing as Tecnicil claim our apartment is occupied. We know that patio furniture is missing but haven't been allowed access to our apartment to check that the furniture we paid for is all there. The way we have been treated since completing makes my blood boil and Tecnicil believe that we owe resort fees of over 5200 euros. It now seems that Tecnicil have misled us again. The premium package was a condition of entry into the rental pool and it now seems that any old economy furniture will do. The Tecnicil Board need to know that recent behaviour is nothing short of criminal and they are personally accountable. Thankfully I have got photos of our furniture in situ before our apartment was occupied. The sooner I get our keys off Tecnicil the better I will feel as I would not put it beyond Tecnicil to steal our furniture. Furthermore what happened to the promises of being able to replace items if damaged. Another Tecnicil lie transpires!
ReplyDeleteAre Tecnicil going into administration / commencing bankruptcy proceedings? If yes can you advise clients of the rental scheme whether any rental will be paid?
ReplyDeleteHow can you supply 'economical furniture' when clients have paid for premium furniture. Is this not theft and / or breach of contract by Tecnicil?
ReplyDeleteHow can Tecnicil attract tour operators and claim the resort is 4 or 5 star if units are now being furnished with the cheapest furniture available?
ReplyDeleteYou are saying that furniture is coming from Spain possibly in a month, it is not what was ordered and paid for by clients and you haven't even seen it but have ordered it anyway.
ReplyDeleteThere have been at least 3 people that I know of that have posted a comment about missing furniture. So why have you not listed these postings.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone got their full furniture package, I was under the impression that patio furniture was missing, maybe with the exception of just a handful of clients. Of course, Tecnicil will say that 'it is only patio furniture' that is missing, but with no pool furniture either, it does not make for a great holiday for those who bought a holiday home in the sun!
ReplyDeleteMany clients are unhappy with not having complete furniture packs, and the fact that they have paid for furniture a year or two ago also gone to deeds and this is still the case. Should there even be one case where something has been paid for, yet not delivered?
The board are clearly not in the real world if they believe that they do not have any unhappy clients. The reason buyers have not communicated their position to Tecnicil via this source, is they feel just like everything else they have tried, that it will fall on deaf ears.
Tecnicil's actions over the past few years have been terrible, although the recent honesty has probably been refreshing (and amusing) to many buyers, Tecnicil still have a long way to go, to win back the trust of buyers.
We all appreciate that whilst there are not many staff communication is difficult, but it is the poor management and lack of communication during this whole project, that has lead to Tecnicil being in this situation.
Were not impressed that furniture ordered and paid for over two years ago on what was then an overflated price is that we may now end up with inferior cheaper furniture !! The furniture was sold to us on the basis that this was the only quality furniture for the hotel and resorts rental, again and again Tecnicil are moving the goal post and their customer service is non existent. Can you now supply the e mail addresses of the CEO and board members so we can all make our views known.
ReplyDeleteUnless someone is able to visit they are unable to determine missing furniture. In relation to my own apartment I have had 2 other owners inspect. All furniture is not present until final electrical work is completed and there appears to have been little progress in a month.
I am unable to tell if this is in storage or there will be delay.
I for one will not be happy to to charged for a one product and have it replaced with an inferior product. How does this fit with the initial communication given that all apartments had to be fitted to a certain standard with the same products/furniture specification to meet tour operators standards.
I will get a lawyer involved if the specification I have paid for is not fitted.
Any response to the comments made, when will the CEO and other contact details be available
ReplyDeletePlease can you clarify 'the most economical that could be found'. We have paid nearly Euros 20000 for hotel standard furniture that is durable and will withstand (mis)use - 'most economical' does not sound like the best quality. Many thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis is a better measure of the problem. It will help us to help you if we can get a really clear picture of who has concerns with the furniture. Do please carry on adding the comments.
ReplyDeleteWe will publish them and ensure they are seen.
Yes, I have a concern about the furniture which I paid for in full on 02 Feb 2010. The last update I got from Tecnicil is that it was to be installed Jan 2010. Since then I have heard nothing despite requesting information. How can you say you need a clear picture. You do not communicate anything to the owners, so I for example have to assume nothing has been installed in my apartment because I have not been told anthing by Tecnicil. I have a very serious concern about not getting the specification furniture I paid for. Why don't you tell us how many apartments are fully furnished, my impression is that it is none. After many false dawns of better communication you are back to your old tricks.
ReplyDeletePaid for furniture in full May 2009 and was told by Svetlana that all my furniture was in apartment except patio furniture. This was not the case when I visited Vila Verde in April. The sofa bed was missing and curtains, bedding, towels, cutlery. (I could go on)
ReplyDeleteI too will also be contacting my solicitor if the furniture installed is not the original furnture I paid for over two years ago. You also have not paid compensation as per the contract again this will be pursued via my solicitor.
ReplyDeleteFirst we were let down by MRI furniture, then Tecnicil's Superior luxury furniture package was available with the promise of stocks held to enable replacement on a like for like basis in the case of loss or damage. Now..........
ReplyDeleteWho do you think you are? You tried to demand full payment for a specific furniture package nearly 3 years ago and yet you cannot even supply the basics now. I think you should pay the original supplier and fulfil your contractual obligation.
I think you are trying to make money out of suppliying an inferior product at the same price as your finances are suffering. The main reasons your finances are suffering is because you have not completed the build on time and the compensation you are having to pay out are crippling you. That is your problem because if you do not supply the furniture quality you are obligated to, you will also have to pay back the deposits paid for furniture already
I cannot believe Tecnicil have stooped to this they sold their properties at over inflated prices,paid a crook of an agent to sell at high commissions!!! which we would have to loose out if going for money back although they were acting for you the seller. Why should purchasers who bought in good faith be penalised for your mistakes, We all have a right to the furniture we paid for.As I paid for is over two years ago, I will instruct proceedings against Tecnicil for breach of contract on this and the underpaid compensation we were not paid for 28 days after notification of deeds.
ReplyDeleteOur outdoor furniture has still not been delivered 2 years after completing the purchase of our apartment! I cannot believe that you have the cheek to ask for resort fees when the resort is not yet completed. this is a complete farce! The sooner Tecnicil no longer have anything to do with Vila Verde the better. They are behaving like second hand car salesmen and any trust that did once exsist has gone for good now.
ReplyDeleteI have a similar experience to all of the above. Unfortunately for Tecnicil, I will be visiting Cape Verde with a a high profile journalist who is keen to expose Tecnicil practices. It will be all over the national press soon.
ReplyDeleteyou better hurry up exposing tecnicil's poor practices because I suspect very shortly they will no longer exist!!!
ReplyDeleteCan you advise why there is no planning re availability of furniture to complete apartments.
ReplyDeleteOur apartment has had no movement since the start of May.
Our apartment has the beds (minus mattress) ,dressing tables, tables and chairs sideboard etc. Seemly sofa and TV and DVD is in storage and will be installed post electrical work. According to Svetlana via phone there will be no progress before the start of August. A three month delay which I am very annoyed about and also the fact that regardless of being there from the 28th June I am unlikely to be able to get this progressed or have been able to stay in my apartment.
I am being advised that there is no supply of the following on Sal and delivery is not due until end of July begining of August:
Light fittings
Air conditioner units
Bath and shower screens
all assessories, cuttlery, cups,plates,pots etc
patio furniture
When I queried if this was with the old supplier I was advised the quality will be the same.
When I challenged how this can be the case as there is no specifications and photos have been seen by you or any owners.
I advised that I want confirmation of specification and quality when this was available.
I assume your incompetence re basic planning will be taken in to account when condo fees are being demanded. Can you please advise who the furniture situation can be escalated to as Svetlana is only responsible for installation.
If you dont have your furniture by now sorry to say you can forget about it as my solicitor told me today that they have been checking into
ReplyDeleteTechnicil and believe that the Banks will be taking over Technicil from July so if people do not complete by then they will also lose any deposit money paid on their apartments. We bought in cactus which is now only ready for completion we are now thinking of not compleating at all as we know we will not get our furniture package and the property would be only worth half the value paid which we have already paid and on top of this we would have to paid another 15,000 for furniture. I dont trust Technicil enough to transfer another 48,000.00 euro for completion as we dont know what kind of mess we will be left with over there. We feel we are better off now to cut our losses and get out.
Can you provide an update regarding the furniture along with the promised details of the CEO and board members e mail addresses. We may get a response to our concerns if we email them direct, as I understand some of the staff are to busy to reply to emails, a good customer service yet gain !!!
ReplyDeleteWill the bank be taking over ?
ReplyDeleteWhere's your update you promised on 3rd June,2011. My apartment is still at snagging stage, so have no furniture at all. Please tell clients the full story
ReplyDeleteI believethe best response and way to keep the bank from cancelling is to follow Snaging Overseas advice in their post about delaying deeds. Contact them and they will explain. The person who says they don't want to add more money will lose EVERYTHING unless they get some legal stops and checks in place. Read the Snagging Overseas blog, there is a link to it here, I believe their reasoning is sound.
ReplyDeleteWhen can we expect a response to our concerns ?
ReplyDeleteplease publish the CEO and board menbers email addresses
any comments re the furniture will we be seeing phots of our purchases ?
ReplyDeleteSo where is the update? I'm only just completing but share all the concerns above.
ReplyDeleteWell it look like Tecnicil did not go with the original supplier, choosing instead a Spanish company from Palma because they were cheap. Now it transpires this company, which supplied NO specs on the furniture at all, has been unable to convince BES that they are in a position to supply ie. Tecnicil pay and they supply in a timely fashion with guarantees.
ReplyDeleteSoooo - the ball is in Tecnicil's court again. Of course the members of the board are too important to do anything with this so they have delegated the task to someone in Tecnicil Hotels Resorts. It appears in three years every single manager in Tecnicil at one time or another has been involved with furniture, yet there is not a complete package on the island. Brilliant! Bring back MRI, I say, it was at least funny then...
When is the official opening? Heard it was meant to be July. Are any of the blocks completely finished and furnished?
ReplyDeleteAny update on the furniture update from 2 months ago? I hear the issues have been resolved with the original supplier and that installations are continuing - can you confirm or deny - many thanks.
ReplyDelete2 months since this awas posted any further updates
ReplyDeleteWhy are tecnicil so fucking dishonest?