The attitude we had was that it was best not to burden you with the constant and sometimes quite strange battles we had to try and get our resort connected to the national utility company.
However given the positive feedback we have had even with the sharing of not so positive informaiton I thought we would tell you where we are at the moment. Or at least, where We believe we are.
Electra did a follow up and final inspection on the resort. Here is in the communication we had:
Recepção Provisória ELECTRICIDADE pela Electra:
Em 21 Out.09 fez-se a vistoria final de Electricidade com a Electra.
No dia 23, o Engº Miranda (responsável Electra no Sal) enviou informação para a Electra (S. Vicente), sobre a vistoria, não havendo nada de relevante que obste à assinatura do Auto (informação colhida na vistoria).Os autos foram assinados pelos Empreiteiros, Fiscalização e Dono da Obra e enviados para Electra (S. Vicente).
This says that on the 23rd Engineer Miranda, the man responsible for electricity on Sal Island sent information to his HQ on the island of Sau Vicente that shows there is no relevant obstacle to the signing of the order [for connection]. The orders were signed by the contractors, the onsite management company and the owner of the works (That's us, at Tecnicil Imobiliaria) and sent to Electra in Sau Vicente.
Once Electra have signed this "Auto" then the electricity can be signed up.
The water situation is one step behind this. The communication we have internally is this:
Foi solicitado à Electra, há cerca de 2 semanas, vistoria da rede de águas (solicitado para dia 13 Out.).
O técnico responsável sobre quem recai a acção é o Engº Neves (Electra) que já recebeu orientações do Planeamento da Electra para proceder á vistoria.
Contudo, até ao presente ainda não conseguiu marcar data
Nearly two weeks ago I requested of Electra that they sign off on the water network (requested for October 13th).
The technician in charge of this, Engineer Neves (Electra) has already received instructions from Electra's Planning Department to carry out the inspection.
However, up to know he has not managed to give us a date.
So you can see that in theory we are right on the cusp of having electricity and a hair's breadth from the water. I say "In theory" because there could still be some delay on Electra's side. However there should be no other obstacles to having power and water.
As soon as we have more communication we will put it here for you all.
Thank you for keeping us informed Tecnicil. Good luck with this and keep us informed.
ReplyDeleteThat really is good news and with the furniture due to be installed things seem to be moving on a pace.
ReplyDeleteIs there any more news on water & electricity. Some of us can not have our furniture till we complete and utilities is holding up completions. This could mean we loose the money paid on furniture. Is there nothing anyone can do to make Electra get this process completed now.
ReplyDeleteGood evening. We do not have any updates but today, earlier on, we sent a formal request for more news to Electra. Whatever their response is we will put here.